Edinburgh's traditional Argentine tango milonga.
One of our aims at El Tango Club is to create the atmosphere which encourages the best dancing. We want a lovely, respectful, smooth-flowing dance floor (ronda). We can’t do that by ourselves so we need your help.
We know everyone has different preferences on styles of dancing, how to ask for dances, and what to expect on the floor. We don’t want to cramp your style. We’ve put the items below to guide you on how we can achieve a good event.
Likewise, we’re all here to enjoy the music, we pick our DJs carefully and want to make sure you can get the most out of it, so when talking, try to keep the volume down, so everyone can hear the music.
We really want people to be able to relax and enjoy themselves, knowing they will have beautiful, lovely, uninterrupted dances. So we looking forward to seeing you join us in making that happen.
El Tango Club
Venue: Marchmont St Giles Parish Church 1a Kilgraston Rd, Edinburgh EH9 2DW.
Entry: £8/£5 students and OAP
Try to use the cabeceo to ask for and accept dances, it’s not mandatory, but it helps. You can also use it when entering the dance floor to allow the leader behind to make space for you. This helps maintain a connection throughout your dance, not only with your partner, but with the other dancers. To help them, you can also make sure you only move forwards, and not take the space behind you. Remember to not spend so much time in one place that gap forms in front you. Keep moving.
When the tanda ends, try to clear the dance floor. We’re happy if you want to stay dancing with the same person, but try not to deny others the opportunity to use the cabeceo to look for their next dance.
Boleos and ganchos can be fun we know you like them (as do we). However, they can be dangerous in some instances if they are too high, or make people nervous, which can lead to a slow moving dance floor. Try to keep them low, and away from other dancers.
We also prefer that you keep to two lanes (exceptionally three, if we’re jam packed). Do try to avoid switching lanes repeatedly, or over taking other dancers.
We use the outside lane for you more experienced dancers who know how to cope with smaller spaces and a busy floor. We want to use the inner lane and middle for those of you who are less confident with your movements, and want a safe, slower (but not stopped) space to dance. If you want more space to dance, we recommend turning up early, or waiting until the last hour of the evening, when more space will develop. We’ll let you know if we think there may be a problem.